Interface Response

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Response

This interface is the interface for accessing the authorisation response returned by the PermisRBAC. The response contains the decision, and the associated set of obligations.

The decision is a boolean value indicating the authorisation decision from the PDP. Normally a true value indicates a positive decision, while a false value indicates a negative decision.

There might be a set of obligations associated with the authorisation decision. These obligations shall be fulfilled with the enforcement of the authorisation decision.


Method Summary
 Obligations getObligations()
          This function retrieves the associated obligations.
 boolean isAuthorised()
          This function retrieves the value of the authorisation decision.

Method Detail


boolean isAuthorised()
This function retrieves the value of the authorisation decision.


Obligations getObligations()
This function retrieves the associated obligations. When there is no obligation associated with the authorisation decision, the return value could be null.