Package issrg.pba.rbac.xmlpolicy.ifstatement

Interface Summary
Interpreter This is the interface to an interpreter of the evaluation operation.
NamedTerm This interface defines the named terms - the Terms that have name meaningful outside the policy.
Term This interface defines the functionality necessary to deliver results.

Class Summary
AndNode This is the class for And node of the IF-statement.
ArgNode This is the class that represents an Arg node and evaluates the arguments of an action at run-time.
ConstantNode This is the class that represents a Constant node and evaluates the contant specified in the policy XML.
Environment This class holds the execution environment parameters.
EnvironmentNode This is the class that represents an Environment node and evaluates the environmental variables at run-time.
EqNode This is the class for EQ node of the IF-statement.
GeNode This is the class for GE node of the IF-statement.
GtNode This is the class for GT node of the IF-statement.
IntegerInterpreter This is the interpreter for comparisons of integers in the IF-statements.
LeNode This is the class for LE node of the IF-statement.
LtNode This is the class for LT node of the IF-statement.
NamedTermNode This class defines the behaviour of the named terms - the Terms that have name meaningful outside the policy.
NotNode This is the class for Not node of the IF-statement.
OperationNode This is an abstract class which is a base to other operations.
OperatorNode This is the class for Operator node of the IF-statement.
OrNode This is the class for Or node of the IF-statement.
PresentNode This is the class for Present node of the IF-statement.
StringInterpreter This is the interpreter for comparisons of strings in the IF-statements.
SubstringsNode This is the class for Substrings node of the IF-statement.
TermNode This abstract class represents XML elements that are Terms of IF-expressions.
Types This class maintains a registry of known types, so that the string encoding of the values of these types can be decoded from the XML Policy.

Exception Summary
EvaluationException This is the exception thrown by the IF-statement evaluation mechanism.