Class EnvironmentalVariables

  extended by issrg.utils.EnvironmentalVariables

public final class EnvironmentalVariables
extends java.lang.Object

This class is a declaration of variable names for the operational Environment of the Privilege Allocator. This class contains a lot of public String variables that must be referred to when putting anything into the Environment. For example,

env.put(EntrustSigningUtility.DEFAULT_PROFILE_STRING, "c:\\Entrust Profiles\\fred.epf");


if (env.get(EnvironmentalVariables.FORCE_V1_STRING)==null)...//allow v.2 syntax

A Otenko

Field Summary
static java.lang.String AAIA_LOCATION
          This is the name under which we store and retrive the AAIA extension
static java.lang.String AIA_LOCATION
          This is the name of the collection of the AttributeEditors in the Registry.
static java.lang.String ATTRIBUTES_VECTOR
          The variable with this name contains a Vector of
static java.lang.String DAVREV_LOCATION
static java.lang.String DIGEST_ALGORITHM_NAME_STRING
          The variable with this name contains a String, representing the name of the digest algorithm to use.
static java.lang.String DIS_TRUSTSTORE
          This is the name under which we store and retrieve the truststore for mutual authentication with the DIS
          This is the name of the collection of the ExtensionEditors in the Registry.
static java.lang.String EXTENSIONS_VECTOR
          The variable with this name contains a Vector of
static java.lang.String FORCE_V1_FLAG
          The variable with this name, if present, requires the Privilege Allocator to use Attribute Certificate version 1 syntax, even if V2_STRING variable is also present.
static java.lang.String GUI_NOT_REQUIRED_FLAG
          The variable with this name, if present in the Environment, would notify the PrivilegeEditors being loaded that the GUI part is not required in this application (e.g. the TSAP is also a Registry; it never uses method).
static java.lang.String HOLDER_BCID_STRING
          The variable with this name conains a String value that the AC Holder baseCertificateID will be set to.
static java.lang.String HOLDER_EDITOR_UTILITY
          This is the name under which the Holder Editor Utilities must register in the UTILITIES_COLLECTION collection.
static java.lang.String HOLDER_NAME_STRING
          The variable with this name contains a String value that the AC Holder will be set to.
          The variable with this name contains an value that the AC Holder entry will contain.
static java.lang.String ISSUER_BCID_STRING
          The variable with this name holds a String representation of the AC Issuer baseCertificateID.
static java.lang.String ISSUER_NAME_STRING
          The variable with this name holds a String representation of the AC Issuer name.
          The variable with this name contains an value that the AC Issuer entry will contain.
static java.lang.String ISSUER_UID_STRING
          The variable with this name contains a String representation of the Issuer Unique Id.
static java.lang.String ISSUER_V2_FORM_V2FORM
          The variable with this name contains V2Form entry for the Attribute Certificate as object.
static java.lang.String LDAP_HOLDER_EDITOR_UTILITY
          The variable, containing the name of the configuration variable, representing the LDAP server URI.
static java.lang.String NOREV_LOCATION
static java.lang.String PERMIS_XML_POLICY_UTILITY
          This is the name under which the PMI XML Policy Editor Utilities must register in the UTILITIES_COLLECTION collection.
          This is the name of the collection of variables the Manager remembers between creations of different ACs.
static java.lang.String PRINTABLE_STRING_UTILITY
          This is the name under which the Printable String Editor Utilities must register in the UTILITIES_COLLECTION collection.
static java.lang.String SAVING_UTILITY
          This is the name under which the Saving Utilities must register in the UTILITIES_COLLECTION collection.
static java.lang.String SERIAL_NUMBER_EDITOR_UTILITY
          This is the name under which the Serial Number Editor Utilities must register in the UTILITIES_COLLECTION collection.
static java.lang.String SERIAL_NUMBER_STRING
          The variable with this name contains a String representation of the serial number of the AC.
static java.lang.String SIGNATURE_VALUE_BIT_STRING
          The variable with this name contains a iaik.asn1.BIT_STRING of the signature value, got directly from the AC.
          The variable with this name specifies the signing algorithm for the certificate.
static java.lang.String SIGNING_UTILITY
          This is the name under which the Signing Utilities must register in the UTILITIES_COLLECTION collection.
static java.lang.String UID_EDITOR_UTILITY
          This is the name under which the UID Editor Utilities must register in the UTILITIES_COLLECTION collection.
static java.lang.String UTILITIES_COLLECTION
          This is the name of the collection of the Utility objects in the Registry.
static java.lang.String V2_FLAG
          The variable with this name, if present, allows the Privilege Allocator to produce ACs of version 2 syntax.
          This is the name under which the Validity Period Editor Utilities must register in the UTILITIES_COLLECTION collection.
static java.lang.String VALIDITY_PERIOD_STRING
          The variable with this name contains a String representation of the AC Validity period.
static java.lang.String VARIABLES_COLLECTION
          This is the name of the collection of the variables in the Registry.
static java.lang.String VERSION_STRING
          The variable with this name contains a String representation of the AC Version: the number.
static java.lang.String WEBDAV_HOLDER_EDITOR_UTILITY
static java.lang.String WEBDAV_HOST
static java.lang.String WEBDAV_P12FILENAME
static java.lang.String WEBDAV_P12PASSWORD
static java.lang.String WEBDAV_PORT
static java.lang.String WEBDAV_PROTOCOL
static java.lang.String WEBDAV_SSLCERTIFICATE
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String GUI_NOT_REQUIRED_FLAG
The variable with this name, if present in the Environment, would notify the PrivilegeEditors being loaded that the GUI part is not required in this application (e.g. the TSAP is also a Registry; it never uses method). This allows them to optimise their memory and disk size, because they would not load their GUI part then. It is not a must for the editors to check for this variable; if they don't, they must always load the GUI, if they provide it.

This variable must be set before the editors are loaded from their class files.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DIGEST_ALGORITHM_NAME_STRING
The variable with this name contains a String, representing the name of the digest algorithm to use. You should not need to set this. This is for Privilege Editors to consult, if their building process depends on this value.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String FORCE_V1_FLAG
The variable with this name, if present, requires the Privilege Allocator to use Attribute Certificate version 1 syntax, even if V2_STRING variable is also present. You should set this whenever you want to enforce this functionality. You cannot set this in the configuration file. However, this can be overriddden by the user, if he chooses an appropriate radio button.

Version 1 ACs are accepted wider, but provide less service.

See Also:
V2_FLAG, Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String V2_FLAG
The variable with this name, if present, allows the Privilege Allocator to produce ACs of version 2 syntax. By default, it is always present, and you do not have to set it manually. If FORCE_V1_STRING variable is present, it overrides this setting.

See Also:
FORCE_V1_FLAG, Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SIGNING_ALGORITHM_ALGORITHMID
The variable with this name specifies the signing algorithm for the certificate. You should not set this. This is a read-only variable, and is set in accordance with what is stipulated in the signing key. May be not set, if a new certificate is created (never has been signed).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SIGNATURE_VALUE_BIT_STRING
The variable with this name contains a iaik.asn1.BIT_STRING of the signature value, got directly from the AC. May not be present. Actually, you might not need to know this value anyway.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTRIBUTES_VECTOR
The variable with this name contains a Vector of You should not wish to set this, unless you have an absolute necessity to do so. Intended for Privilege Editors to consult, if their decision depends on what Attributes are already there; e.g. in order not to set a contradictory attribute value.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String EXTENSIONS_VECTOR
The variable with this name contains a Vector of You should not set this, unless you have an absolute necessity to do so; e.g. in order to add a corresponding extension, when a PrivilegePolicy attribute is added.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String HOLDER_NAME_STRING
The variable with this name contains a String value that the AC Holder will be set to. At the moment, the Privilege Allocator supports LDAP DNs only, therefore the name must be a valid LDAP DN. The Manager user may change this at run time.

You may wish to set this in the configuration file. The variable name to set is "AC.Holder.Name".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String HOLDER_BCID_STRING
The variable with this name conains a String value that the AC Holder baseCertificateID will be set to. The format of the string is as follows: <PKC SN>';'<PKC Issuer Name>. There is no means to put the Issuer Unique Identifier there. At the moment the Privilege Allocator supports LDAP DNs only, so the PKC Issuer name must be a valid LDAP DN. The PKC SN must be a valid integer value. No extra spaces before or after the semicolon are allowed. The Manager user may change this at run time.

You may wish to set this in the configuration file. The variable name to set is "AC.Holder.BCID".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String HOLDER_OBJECT_DIGEST_INFO_OBJECTDIGESTINFO
The variable with this name contains an value that the AC Holder entry will contain. You may set this, but ensure version 2 AC can be generated. At the moment there is no constructor for this value, but you may want to build one. You must put them in the [editors] section of the configuration file.

See Also:
KernelApplication, Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ISSUER_NAME_STRING
The variable with this name holds a String representation of the AC Issuer name. The syntax is the same as for HOLDER_NAME_STRING. The name of the variable to set in the configuration file is "AC.Issuer.Name".

See Also:
HOLDER_NAME_STRING, Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ISSUER_BCID_STRING
The variable with this name holds a String representation of the AC Issuer baseCertificateID. The syntax is the same as for HOLDER_BCID_STRING. The name of the variable to set in the configuration file is "AC.Issuer.BCID". Ensure that version 2 can be used.

See Also:
HOLDER_BCID_STRING, Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ISSUER_OBJECT_DIGEST_INFO_OBJECTDIGESTINFO
The variable with this name contains an value that the AC Issuer entry will contain. You may set this, but ensure version 2 AC can be generated. At the moment there is no constructor for this value, but you may want to build one. You must put them in the [editors] section of the configuration file.

See Also:
KernelApplication, Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ISSUER_V2_FORM_V2FORM
The variable with this name contains V2Form entry for the Attribute Certificate as object. You may set this.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SERIAL_NUMBER_STRING
The variable with this name contains a String representation of the serial number of the AC. This may be set in the configuration file, or you may wish to maintain your database of AC serial numbers, and automatically pick the number from it. The user still can change it at run time.

The variable name to be set in the configuration file is "AC.SerialNumber".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ISSUER_UID_STRING
The variable with this name contains a String representation of the Issuer Unique Id. The whole string is converted into byte array and that is the BIT STRING for the Issuer Unique ID to be put into the AC. The Manager user may change it at run time.

The variable name to be set in the configuration file is "AC.UID".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String VALIDITY_PERIOD_STRING
The variable with this name contains a String representation of the AC Validity period. The syntax for the string is as follows: <Not before Time>';'<Not after Time>, each of the times being of the following format: ' hh:mm:ss'. In fact, the syntax is a bit more flexible, but for simplicity of the documentation I do not explain the freedoms. You may omit any of the times, but the semicolon must remain to distinguish which of the times is missing.

The variable to be set in the configuration file is "AC.ValidityPeriod".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String VERSION_STRING
The variable with this name contains a String representation of the AC Version: the number. This can be set in the configuration file only. Otherwise it will be ignored.

The variable name to be set is "AC.Version".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String VARIABLES_COLLECTION
This is the name of the collection of the variables in the Registry. In order to obtain the whole environment, use getCollection method, and cast it to java.util.Map.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTRIBUTE_EDITORS_COLLECTION
This is the name of the collection of the AttributeEditors in the Registry.

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String EXTENSION_EDITORS_COLLECTION
This is the name of the collection of the ExtensionEditors in the Registry.

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String UTILITIES_COLLECTION
This is the name of the collection of the Utility objects in the Registry.

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String PERSISTENT_VARIABLES_COLLECTION
This is the name of the collection of variables the Manager remembers between creations of different ACs.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SAVING_UTILITY
This is the name under which the Saving Utilities must register in the UTILITIES_COLLECTION collection.

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String SIGNING_UTILITY
This is the name under which the Signing Utilities must register in the UTILITIES_COLLECTION collection.

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String HOLDER_EDITOR_UTILITY
This is the name under which the Holder Editor Utilities must register in the UTILITIES_COLLECTION collection.

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String LDAP_HOLDER_EDITOR_UTILITY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String LDAP_SAVING_UTILITY_LDAP_PROVIDER
The variable, containing the name of the configuration variable, representing the LDAP server URI. At the moment it is "LDAPSavingUtility.ProviderURI".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String WEBDAV_HOLDER_EDITOR_UTILITY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String WEBDAV_HOST
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String WEBDAV_PORT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String WEBDAV_PROTOCOL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String WEBDAV_P12FILENAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String WEBDAV_P12PASSWORD
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String WEBDAV_SSLCERTIFICATE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SERIAL_NUMBER_EDITOR_UTILITY
This is the name under which the Serial Number Editor Utilities must register in the UTILITIES_COLLECTION collection.

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String UID_EDITOR_UTILITY
This is the name under which the UID Editor Utilities must register in the UTILITIES_COLLECTION collection.

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String VALIDITY_PERIOD_EDITOR_UTILITY
This is the name under which the Validity Period Editor Utilities must register in the UTILITIES_COLLECTION collection.

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String DIS_TRUSTSTORE
This is the name under which we store and retrieve the truststore for mutual authentication with the DIS

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String AAIA_LOCATION
This is the name under which we store and retrive the AAIA extension

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String AIA_LOCATION
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String NOREV_LOCATION
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DAVREV_LOCATION
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PRINTABLE_STRING_UTILITY
This is the name under which the Printable String Editor Utilities must register in the UTILITIES_COLLECTION collection.

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String PERMIS_XML_POLICY_UTILITY
This is the name under which the PMI XML Policy Editor Utilities must register in the UTILITIES_COLLECTION collection.

See Also:
Constructor Detail


public EnvironmentalVariables()