Class Summary |
GridShibPermisPDP |
GridShibPERMIS functionality - Get attributes from GridShib PIP and send them to PERMIS PDP |
PermisAuthorizationHome |
This is the ResourceHome class needed by GT4 services; this is a copy of the
example, since PermisAuthorization doesn't have any resources. |
PermisAuthorizationResource |
This is a Resource implementation; it is mostly a copy of the example, since
Permis Authorization doesn't have any resources. |
PermisAuthorizationService |
This is the implementation of the Permis Authz Service which accepts
SAMLRequests and returns SAMLResponses. |
PermisPDP |
SimplePermisPDP |
This class should be replace by,
which supports more flexiable adf configuration and the XACML request context so that
it can work with the GT4 PIPs. |
XacmlPDP |