Interface PolicyParser

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PolicyParser

This interface defines the methods on the policy parser. The implementation objects should convert the policy into internal representation and return the internal representation in parts.

The policy is a PMI (Privilege Management Infrastructure) entity created by the SOA (Source of Authority; the owner of the Target) and which defines rules for accessing the target or targets. In particular, it contains parts defining domains of trust (what users can be trusted and how to establish the trust relationship) and defining target access rules (what the users of the domains can do on the targets). The interface defines the methods for retrieving the rules.

The parser also returns a map containing AuthTokenParser rules (the rules for the parser of authorisation tokens). The functionality of the AuthTokenParser depends on the policy because it must know what values can be interpreted by the policy.

A Otenko

Method Summary
 java.util.Map getAccessRules()
          This method returns a collection of rules for target access decision.
 java.util.Map getAssignmentRules()
          This method returns a collection of rules for delegation and assignment.
 java.util.Map getAuthzTokenParsingRules()
          This method returns a set of Policy-dependant rules for the Authorisation Token parser.
 java.util.List getMSoDSet()
          This method returns a List of Multi-Session Separation of Duties statements.
 java.lang.String getPolicyID()
          This method returns the ID of the Policy the parser has parsed.
 java.lang.String[] getRepositoryURLs()
          This method returns an array of URLs pointing to the repository with authorisation tokens, as specified in the policy.

Method Detail


java.util.Map getAssignmentRules()
This method returns a collection of rules for delegation and assignment.

java.util.Map object with the rules; can be empty, but never null


java.util.Map getAccessRules()
This method returns a collection of rules for target access decision.

java.util.Map object with the rules; can be empty, but never null


java.util.Map getAuthzTokenParsingRules()
This method returns a set of Policy-dependant rules for the Authorisation Token parser.

java.util.Map object that contains rules for extracting Credentials from a Token


java.lang.String getPolicyID()
This method returns the ID of the Policy the parser has parsed.

the String representation of the identifier of the Policy


java.lang.String[] getRepositoryURLs()
This method returns an array of URLs pointing to the repository with authorisation tokens, as specified in the policy. If the policy does not specify any repositories, null may be returned.

String array of repository URLs


java.util.List getMSoDSet()
This method returns a List of Multi-Session Separation of Duties statements. If no MSoD rules are defined, returns null or an empty List.

Each element in the List is a issrg.pba.rbac.policies.MSoDRule.