Class NamedTermNode

  extended by issrg.pba.rbac.xmlpolicy.PolicyXMLNode
      extended by issrg.pba.rbac.xmlpolicy.ifstatement.TermNode
          extended by issrg.pba.rbac.xmlpolicy.ifstatement.NamedTermNode
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ArgNode, EnvironmentNode

public abstract class NamedTermNode
extends TermNode

This class defines the behaviour of the named terms - the Terms that have name meaningful outside the policy. Basically, it keeps the name and type of the node as specified in the policy, and also maintains a collection of nodes by their names.


Field Summary
protected  java.lang.String parameter_name
protected static java.util.Map s_namedTerms
protected  java.lang.String type
Fields inherited from class issrg.pba.rbac.xmlpolicy.ifstatement.TermNode
maxOperand, minOperand, terms
Fields inherited from class issrg.pba.rbac.xmlpolicy.PolicyXMLNode
attributes, children, name, nodeStr
Constructor Summary
protected NamedTermNode()
  NamedTermNode(java.lang.String nodeName, org.xml.sax.Attributes attr, java.lang.String typeAttr, java.lang.String nameAttr)
          This constructor builds a node given its name, a set of attributes, and the names of the attributes defining the type and the name of the term.
Method Summary
static java.util.Map getAllNamedTerms()
          This method returns a Map of Sets of all NamedTerms, indexed by the term node name.
 java.lang.String getName()
          This method returns the name of this NamedTerm.
static java.util.Set getNamedTerms(java.lang.String termName)
          This method returns a Set of NamedTerm, given the name of the term node.
 java.lang.String getType()
          This method returns the type of this NamedTerm.
static void resetNamedTerms()
          This method should be used by the parser to reset the collection of NamedTerms before parsing a new policy.
Methods inherited from class issrg.pba.rbac.xmlpolicy.ifstatement.TermNode
construct, getInterpretersForNode, registerInterpreterForNode
Methods inherited from class issrg.pba.rbac.xmlpolicy.PolicyXMLNode
addChild, addString, getAttributes, getChildren, getString, toString, toXML, toXML
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface issrg.pba.rbac.xmlpolicy.ifstatement.Term

Field Detail


protected static java.util.Map s_namedTerms


protected java.lang.String type


protected java.lang.String parameter_name
Constructor Detail


protected NamedTermNode()


public NamedTermNode(java.lang.String nodeName,
                     org.xml.sax.Attributes attr,
                     java.lang.String typeAttr,
                     java.lang.String nameAttr)
              throws PolicyParsingException
This constructor builds a node given its name, a set of attributes, and the names of the attributes defining the type and the name of the term.

nodeName - the name of the XML element
attr - the attributes of the XML element being parsed
typeAttr - the name of the attribute containing the type of the term
nameAttr - the name of the attribute containing the name of the term
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getType()
This method returns the type of this NamedTerm.

a case-sensitive type name as calculated at run-time


public java.lang.String getName()
This method returns the name of this NamedTerm.

getName in class PolicyXMLNode
String name of the XML element represented by this object


public static java.util.Set getNamedTerms(java.lang.String termName)
This method returns a Set of NamedTerm, given the name of the term node.

termName - the name of the NamedTerm node (for example Arg or Environment)
Set of NamedTerm, or null, if no such nodes exist in the policy


public static java.util.Map getAllNamedTerms()
This method returns a Map of Sets of all NamedTerms, indexed by the term node name. May be empty, but never null.

Because of how the named terms are collected, the Map is valid until the next call to resetNamedTerms(), which will normally happen as soon as the policy has been parsed. Use PolicyParser methods to obtain the actual nodes for a particular policy.


public static void resetNamedTerms()
This method should be used by the parser to reset the collection of NamedTerms before parsing a new policy. As the policy parsing completes, the parser should collect the set of NamedTerms using getNamedTerms() or getAllNamedTerms()