Package issrg.pba.rbac.policies

Interface Summary
LDAPEntry This is an interface to objects that can be located in an LDAP Directory.
Subtree This interface represents an abstraction of a Subtree for domain matching (subjects and targets).

Class Summary
AccessPolicy This is the class representing the Target Access Policy.
AccessRule This is the object representing an Access Rule.
AllocationPolicy This class represents an Allocation and Delegation Policy.
AssignmentRule This class represents an assignment (and delegation) rule.
ComplexSubtree This class stands for a subtree that has several roots: a union of several simple subtrees.
DITSubtree This is the object that represents a subtree of entries in LDAP DIT.
IntersectionSubtree This class is an intersection of two subtrees.
MMEPUnit This class represents a MMEP unit -- it includes a forbiddenCardinality and a privilege set which comprises several mutually exclusive privileges with the forbiddenCardinality.
MMERUnit This is the class representing a MMER unit.
MSoDPolicySet This is the class representing the MSoD Policy.
MSoDRule This is the class representing the MSoD rule.
SimpleEntry This class is a simple implementation of an Entry that locates the tokens in the entry named by the Principal.
URLSubtree This Subtree implementation specifies a subtree of Entries identified by URL.
UserAction This is the class representing an action-target pair in PERMIS, so it can be stored by MMEP rules for MSoD as a unit.
UserActionTargetDomain Class representing a user action on a target represented as a domain.
UserActionTargetName Class representing a user action on a target represented as a target name.

Exception Summary
TargetOutOfDomainException This exception is thrown only when decision is invoked, but the target to which access is requested is out of the Target domain covered by the respective PERMIS XML policy.